My Solo Chronicles Podcast
Sharing some of my adventures in doing things solo, with safety first and foremost. Whether it's traveling, going to events, or doing some outdoor activities, which have allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and tackle my adventurous side. Along the way, I've been fortunate enough to me some amazing people, as well as having some beautiful and hilarious moments that will forever be with me. I hope to inspire people to get out there and enjoy life to the fullest and show them that sometimes it's ok to do things solo.
My Solo Chronicles Podcast
New York Leap
During my long return journey back to Michigan, I begun to think back on my solo leap of faith of moving to the Big Apple itself, New York City. Memories begun to come back of how I gave up so much of my life in Detroit, just to live out my dream of living in this amazing city. When I say it was an adventure of a lifetime, it was an adventure that I will never forget, and I hope that this episode will inspire you to reach for whatever dream(s) that lives in your heart.