April Strickland
I have always had this adventurous streak to step out into this vast world of ours and explore it but was too afraid to do it. I guess I was afraid of all the horror stories people would tell me or those same people saying how insane I was for wanting to even travel alone because after all, I'm just a female, it won’t be any fun being by myself, and how do I even know if the location(s) are even safe. It literally took a personal event to happen where I finally realized that I needed to forget what people think and/or say and just step out on faith and do it. Go and visit those places I’ve always dreamt of, safely of course, and live life to the fullest. It has been one amazing adventure after another, with no regrets! I stepped out of my comfort zone and lived in England, as well as traveling to Japan, where I don’t speak the Japanese language, but I still had the adventure of a lifetime. I look forward to not only sharing my experiences, but other women as well.